Thursday, April 16, 2020

Virtual Lab: Force, Distance, Work, and Energy

Important background information can be found here:

The lab will provide 3 trials in which force and distance are measured. Using the equation for work,

W = Fd

where W is work, F is applied force and d is distance through which the force was applied

it is relatively simple to calculate how much work was done.

Introductory science students should remember that when two variables are placed beside each other without any operator, it is meant for them to be multiplied.

The lab will provide an initial distance and a final distance that will be used to calculate distance.

The measures in the video are hypothetical, but reflect realistic quantities. They are contrived for the sake of creating a virtual lab experience that do not require actual lab access.


The virtual lab draws from the data in this video:

Watch the video and use the data within to complete the lab. The following link should open a COPY of a Google Doc into which you can type your answers.


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