Monday, September 19, 2022

Rounding Numbers (is easy)

 Intro to Chemistry and Physics Index

Where are we going with this? Rounding off numbers in math is very important to accurately communicate science information 

Rounding Numbers (is easy)
(Round numbers? Like zero, six, nine, and eight? Is 3 a round number or a crooked number? And what about two?)

The idea of rounding numbers is to express a long decimal number more concisely. For this discussion, the whole principle of significant figures is going to be passed over. We are going to just be looking at the rounding process.

Step 1

Figure out how many decimal places you need. This could be dictated by directions in a problem or proper use of significant figures.

In the examples that follow you will be rounding to ONE decimal place.

Step 2

Look at your number. Find the decimal place. Count over to the digit you are going to round. 

Perhaps, as you develop skills, you should underline that number.

EXAMPLE:   1234.7ABxyz


The only things that can change are:

1. The digit to which you are rounding (underlined above). 
2. The digit that comes before it (italics above). There is a 95% chance you will NOT change this.


Step 3

Look at your digit that comes after the one you are rounding off. In the example it's the green A.

EXAMPLE:   1234.7ABxyz

Step 4

If the A is less than 5:

Chop off the A and everything after it. Done. 




If the A is greater than 5:

Increase the number you are rounding by 1 and chop off the rest. Done. 




Notice that we don't care what the B is!

When the number in the place we are rounding is a 9

EXAMPLE:   1234.9ABxyz

If the A is less than 5:

Chop off the A and everything after it. Done. 




If the A is greater than 5:

Increase the number you are rounding by 1 (makes it a 10, write a 0), then increase the number before the one you are rounding by 1. Then chop off the rest. Done.




Notice that we don't care what the B is!